Reveal.JS presentations

  • Reveal.js can be used to give nice HTML presentations.

  • Once set up, the code for your templates will look something like this:

    <section markdown=1>## Title of the slide
    * Bullet 1
    * Fancy equation: $\displaystyle f(x) = \frac{1}{(2\pi)^d}
      \int_{\R^d} \hat f(\xi) e^{i x \cdot \xi} \, d\xi$
    * Bullet 3
  • The equation will render like this: $\displaystyle f(x) = \frac{1}{(2\pi)^d} \int_{\R^d} \hat f(\xi) e^{i x \cdot \xi} \, d\xi$

  • Setup instructions below.

Before you start

  • Reveal.js has a no code solution that may work better for you.

  • You can write slides in Markdown and render them with JavaScript without using this script.

    • Pro: No compile step (so you don’t need this script)

    • Con: Need to run a local server to get live previews (some setup required, but easy).

    • Con: The markdown converter doesn’t play nice with math.

      • Delays switching slides

      • Some complicated formulae got borked

  • The last point was a deal breaker for me, which is why I wrote this script.

Using this script (md-to-html)

  1. Install md-to-html, and the required dependencies.

  2. Copy the examples/presentation folder to a new directory (say ~/talks/2023-confX) for your talk.

    • There are settings in config.yaml and helper styles in local.css
  3. Edit in any text editor and write your talk. To view your talk run:

    $ -p

  4. Set up live previews to automatically refresh the browser every time you make a change.

Some snippets you may find helpful

  • Write math as you would in LaTeX: $E = mc^2$ renders to $E = mc^2$.

  • Add {.fragment} on a line by its own after items to create a fragment

  • Figure floated right
    Include figures (floated right) as follows:

    <figure class='float'>
      <img src="..." />
  • For videos use

    <figure class='float'>
      <video controls>
        <source src="..." />
  • Various helper CSS classes are in local.css

Configuring Reveal

  • For small changes, use YAML frontmatter or config.yaml

    reveal_configure: |
          transition: 'slide',
          progress: 'true',
  • For bigger changes extend the revealjs.j2 template.

    • Look at revealjs-highlight.j2 for an example.

Serving reveal locally

  • Only needed if you’re not online while writing / giving your talk

  • Set the lib metadata to library paths:

      polyfill: /path/to/polyfill
      mathjax: /path/to/MathJax
      font_awesome: /path/to/fontawesome-free-6.5.2-web
      reveal_js_plugins: /path/to/reveal.js-plugins
      reveal_js: /path/to/reveal.js
  • Download MathJax, FontAwesome, Reveal.js-plugins, reveal.js.

  • Check compatibility of your browser:

Highlighting Code

  • Can use codehilite or highlight.js

    • codehilite highlights at compile time and has light/dark theme switching.

    • highlight.js highlights at render time, and I couldn’t find a light theme.

    • highlight.js has better integration with reveal (dynamic effects)

    • Reveal has a highlight.js plugin.

  • I use codehilite by default, mainly because it highlights at compile time, and does the light/dark switch.

  • To use highlight.js do the following in YAML frontmatter or config.yaml:

    template: revealjs-highlight.j2
    enable_codehilite: false